Or as I like to call it: "KNOWING WHEN TO STOP".

I know how it feels to be trapped in the "bubble of work". 

Working Longer and Longer hours because you feel you have No Choice. The pressures, the deadlines, the amount to do ... it consumes you. 

It actually becomes a really bad habit - a bad habit that negatively affects your physical health, mental health, relationships and, believe it or not, even your productivity.

So, what's the answer? 

Well, it all starts with realising you Do have a Choice. 

How do your work hours make you feel

This Video and Worksheet is for YOU.  

✅ Let's get some Perspective. ✅ Let's get some Self Discipline. ✅ Let's make Positive Choices.  

Let's start talking about this and taking Meaningful Action to Improve your situation - for You and Your Family.

Click HERE to access: Time Spent Working Worksheet


Here is a useful article that gets you to reflect on the mindset of leaving work "on time". 

It's actually one of the most viewed articles I've shared on social media, demonstrating that "leaving work on time" really is a hot topic!

Click on the picture to access.